Authors Note
As these men are thrown instantly
into a workforce as intense as the army, they are forced to teach themselves to
live on their own, fend for themselves, and live within their own tortured
minds throughout this time of emotional distraught. Within the danger of this
story, it can be picked up- this sense of structure and attention given to
these men in forms of childlike manner.
The divinity
between the gentleness of emotions and the powerhouse of confidence that
“adults” continuously attempt to override with masculinity defines the concept
of the Iron Youth. As men are conscripted to the war, their protective,
defensive mentality expands to a higher level of expectation in their own
subconscious. The tedious usage of childlike references implies directly to the
youth inside of each of these men- forced to grow up too fast. Their instant
fascination toward power and uniform causes them to forget of their time of
childhood- “But young? Youth? That was long ago. We are old folk”. These men
have not yet reached even twenty years old and they have come to believe that
they are “old folk”. While still sitting under new forms of supervision and
accustoming themselves to new ways of living, these strongly built men are
still living somewhat as children. The deeper underlying sense of fear and need
for structure shines through, despite the sense assurance and control they are
so desperate to project.
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