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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front- Number 3

Authors Note
This response highlights the similarities of the naïve life of a child and torturing life of an army soldier. In the regular font is the mind of a young boy and the italics is the mind of a combatant and a day in the life of each of them. Their thoughts, so similar, under such opposite circumstances are so fascinating and in the slightest twist, a sense of irony in the situation can be unraveled.

“Come on honey you have to get up for school. The bus comes in 20 minutes.” “Ugh, only because I have to.” I wish I didn’t have to take the bus. I wish I could just sleep in for as long as I want, every day. My bed is so comfy too, I don’t want to move. But Mommy says I have to go. She said it’s called ‘following a schedule’. Whatever that means.

 “You’re late men! It is 400 hours it’s time to get moving let’s move! Move, move, move!” I want to lie here on my stomach; my body wrapped in my sheets and my face stuffed in my pillow for just a little bit longer- five more minutes. But I know I cannot do that; I am forced to follow orders. And I’m already late- 400 hours? Whatever that means.

“Guys be quiet! Come on guys!” Ms. Woody said if we can stay quiet all the way down the halls for the rest of the day we get a movie party! “Shh, guys!” Single file- No one can move and no one can talk, that’s all I know. This is important.

“Atten-Hut!” General Woody said if a man steps beyond his boundaries he’s not going to like his consequences; now I’m not sure what those consequences are but I’m not ready to find out. He’s coming! Stand up straight- nice and tall! This is important.

“Now Johnny you say you’re sorry or you are not going outside for recess.” I hit Andy. But he started it! I didn’t even do anything wrong! “I’m sorry.” I didn’t mean it. But I guess if I’m sneaky I can get what I want. And I guess if I do what I’m told I get what I want. I did what I was supposed to do, right?

“Do you understand your order Private Jonathan?” I don’t think I can do this anymore. I thought this would be easier to do once I got here; but it isn’t. I can’t do this, I won’t do this. “Yes Sir! General, Sir!” But open fire on innocent people? That isn’t fair. But this is my job- my order. And here’s my signal…

            How would I ever become Corporal or a General for that matter if I didn’t take my first steps? I’ve been taught to do what I’m told to get what I want. I followed my orders. I did what I was supposed to do, right?

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