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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jeykll and Hyde - Number Three

 Authors Note
As overflowing layers of clothes may have disguised Hyde for a while, but his suspicions rode on. It was obvious that something was not right when he initially was wearing clothes far too big for him, and the men were starting to see straight through that. Eventually, when Hyde is transformed back into Jeykll, his clothes fit perfectly and they connected the baggy clothes with the transformation. My story expresses the idea that clothes are always just a shield and if they are a bit crazy, they usually have some meaning behind them.

            Weights around his neck keep his head hanging low. Loosely fitted clothing drags behind him makes even walking in a straight line a difficult task. A poncho type shirt enables the controlled movement of his arms, which connects throughout the rest of his body. This cloak of appearance creates an effect of distraction- the act of a shield. Layers and layers protect him- his mind, his ideas, and his thoughts that push and shove to break through his brain every moment of every day. A mask of manifestation brings him comfort; around his friends, he exhibits what they except, what they want. Behind the covers the drape his body is a regular person. The clothes cannot change who he is, they merely cover it, hide it even, to give off the impression he is so desperate to display.

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