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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jeykll and Hyde - Number Two

Authors Note
The last paragraph in Chapter Seven highlighted one moment as “a glimpse for the window was instantly thrust down”. Mr. Utterson and Enfield caught themselves a glimpse of Hyde somewhere within the features of Jeykll. At this point, there was no possibility of innocence anymore. They finally realized that being a part of the will and Jeykll and now the dangers of Hyde was all a very cynical path they were leading themselves down. My very short, completely fictional creative piece I wrote expands the concept of these men realizing the evil they were now a part of and would always have to be from then on out.

And now he is yelling. He never yells. This is not even his voice; his voice is soft, respectful, fake at times almost. Now his eyes are wide, he allows his typically simple, self conscious face to a distorted mess of emotions. He never does this is front of me, ever. There has to be something better, I do not find joy here: My body shudders from the cold welcoming his presence generates; my stomach wrings our like a soaking wet towel never releasing its grip; voices scream back and forth from opposing sides of my brain- “You are so happy some of the time; happier than you’ve ever been”, “Why are you still here, you’re miserable.”
            A relationship of excitement and anticipation has intoxicated itself into a tumbling, crumbling array of unspoken words, stories, and secrets. Never again will my eyes light up with joy despite the situation, for now I see the darkness on the other side. Never again will I jump up and down with a sparkle in my eye like a little kid on Christmas morning running downstairs when I see his face; that tingle through my body has been replaced with shivers down my spine. Those tears of joy fogging my vision flushed away with a waterfall of desperation and uncertainty. The element of surprise had been demolished- hook line and sinker; the queasy feeling that lingers in the pit of your stomach you feel when you know a secret you are not supposed to know- that feeling. That moment when your little sibling tells you what is wrapped under the tree for you, and no matter how hard you try to forget or attempt to express that excited emotion when it is truly reveled, you cannot. Your reaction is written all over your misplaced, deformed assortment of the features on your face. This gentle, carefree soul my mind used to chase after is now haunting me from the inside out, and there is no way out. An assurance of his evil overthrew everything my brain once believed as his voice truly began to make my bones shake and my entire body tremble itself to a feeling somewhere between sick and numb- and I knew I could not leave. There is no way that leaving could be a possibility, he would never allow it. God forgive me, for I know I am not only unhappy, I am negatively enthralled in a life my heart can no longer live in.


  1. This was a great creative piece. You clearly explained the character's emotions, which was excellent. You had great voice in this piece. I was a little confused in some parts towards the end, maybe adding a bit more detail would fix that. Overall, you did a good job at demonstrating how they accepted evil inside them.

  2. The story line was a great way to explain the acceptance of the evil with in them. And I agree with Joanie where there were a few parts in the end that seemed confusing, but otherwise a well written creative piece!
